Thank you so much for your donation! Please know that through your support, you are a vital part of the ministry of St. Crispin’s as we provide a peaceful space where people experience hospitality, nourishment and an opportunity to grow in God’s grace.
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Giving Tuesday
Greetings from your friends at St. Crispin’s! Every year, we endeavor to raise funds for specific items that we need around the property. This year for Giving Tuesday, we are asking for Program Supplies! These are some of the items we are in desperate need to purchase:
New Ropes Course Harnesses = 30 @ $45 each = $1,350
New Kayaks = 3 @ $400 for a complete set up = $1,200
Canoes = 3 @ $500 = $1,500
Gaga Ball Pit Brackets/Supplies = $3,000
2 new Cornhole sets = 2@ $250 = $500
Total needed = $7,550
There are many items which need to be replaced due to wear and tear as well as items that will no longer pass safety inspection at the turn of the year. Please prayerfully discern a gift to St. Crispin’s this Giving Tuesday to help us continue the fun and fellowship out at our beloved camp! Thank you for your time and your thoughts. We would love to see you out here!